Piano audition repertoire list
Piano audition repertoire list

  • Drum set (prepared solo and/or style demonstration: rock, swing, latin, etc.).
  • Multiple percussion (must be submitted electronically.
  • Timpani (ex: Firth, Goodman, Peters, Campbell).
  • Two and/or four mallet marimba (ex: Goldenberg, Hatch, Green, ZIvkovic, Sammut, Peters, Smadbeck).
  • Concert and/or Rudimental snare drum (ex: Cirone, Peters, Pratt, Wilcoxon).
  • Students auditioning for admission into the percussion studio are expected to perform at least three prepared pieces in the following areas: Percussion (Music Education, Performance, BMA) Students should be prepared to demonstrate sight reading ability.
  • Saxophone: Students will be asked to perform major, minor and chromatic scales, and two contrasting compositions or movements of their choice.
  • At least one major solo of comparable difficulty to Concerti by Mozart, Stamitz or Weber Sonatas by Saint-Saëns, Bahms, Poulenc or Bernstein or French conservatory piece (essager, Marty, Rabaud, or Debussy).
  • piano audition repertoire list

    Two contrasting etudes by Cavallini (30 Caprices), Rose, Uhl, or Jeanjean.Bassoon: Students will be asked to perform major, minor and chromatic scales, and two contrasting compositions or movements of their choice.Minor scales are strongly encouraged but not required. Memorized major scales and a chromatic scale from lowest note to highest note.Two contrasting movements from the major solo repertoire (e.g., Mozart "Concert," Haydn "Concerto," Handel "Sonata in C minor, "Saint-Saens "Sonata).Be prepared to play your full-range chromatic scale and two Major or minor extended-range scales of your choosing (rhythm and highest/lowest pitches personal preference).If you prefer, you may choose a contemporary work with extended techniques as one of your selections (optional – not required). I and Cantabile et Presto by Enesco or Telemann Fantasia No. Two contrasting movements or short pieces from the standard flute repertoire (examples: Mozart Concerto in G Major Mvt.Vaughan Williams- Six Studies in English Folksong.All candidates will be given sight-reading and complete a brief personal interview at the audition. In addition, they should prepare two contrasting solos and/or etudes (technical and lyrical).

    piano audition repertoire list

    Students will be asked to play both major and chromatic scales (preferably two octaves). Students will be asked to perform major and chromatic scales and should be prepared to demonstrate sight reading ability. Bass trombone suggested solos include Jacob: Cameos, and Lebedev: Concerto in One Movement. Suggested etudes include: Blazhevich: Clef Studies for Trombone, Kopprasch: 60 Selected Studies for Trombone, or Bordogni/Rochut: Melodious Etudes for Trombone Book 1. For bass trombone, suggested etudes include Ostrander: Method for Bass Trombone, and Blume: 36 Studies.

  • Trombone: 2 contrasting solo pieces or etudes. Suggested solos include Guilmant: Morceau Symphonique, Larsson: Concertino for Trombone, or Saint-Saëns: Cavatine.
  • Trumpet: Students will be asked to perform major and chromatic scales and one or more compositions of their choice.
  • piano audition repertoire list

    All scales (major, minor and chromatic) in two octaves of range.Any technical-style etude by Kopprasch, Maxime-Alphone, Mueller, Kling or Cugnot.8 OR Saint-Säens: Morceau de Concert (complete) or Dukas: Vilanelle A first movement from one of the following concertos: Mozart: Concertos Nos.Horn: Students auditioning for the horn studio should prepare:.

    Piano audition repertoire list